Xfinity Double Play

Most Inspiring Movies of All Times

Watching a good movie helps in improving your life. Different type of movies teaches you many good and bad things, you can learn many lessons from them. As you know, inspiring and motivational movies encourage you to do well for others, be kind to humanity, and how to help others in difficult situations. It is of utmost importance to have the best eye, movies are not made just to entertain but to also present value in the world, so people may take something out of the whole experience.

Now, movies are not just available for free hence you need to be able to have the right packages to watch movies, documentaries, and much more. You can look into affordable and reliable plans with Xfinity Double Play, which will give you a connection with one of the best in the country, and plans that will help you save by bundling up too. With a smooth connection, you never have to worry about the limit to your entertainment.

Moving on in this article, we are going to discuss some of the most inspiring movies of all time,which will change your life in a good way.

This movie was released in the year 2001. It is one of the best inspiring movies. A Beautiful Mind is about mental illness and a love story. The lesson taught by this movie is that you should never give up on your goals and not miss any opportunities because of your ego.A Beautiful Mind won 4 Oscars.

  • The Bucket List

The Bucket List is about two strangers who met in the same hospital room by fate. The one thing which was common between them led them to complete things that were on their bucket list and spent their remaining life on an adventure, by escaping the hospital. The main lesson you learn from this is that no matter how much time you have left to live you should stay happy and enjoy the moments you have wished for your whole life by exploring the world.

  • Good Will Hunting

It is a very old and good movie to watch. In this movie, there is a boy name Will Hunting with an extreme level of IQ but he wanted to work as a janitor at MIT. He did not know about his potential in himself and choose the wrong path, but Professor Gerald Lambeau discovered his talents and wanted to help him in achieving the right path. This movie taught educational lessons as you should always give time to discover yourself and your talents for choosing the right career path.

  • Life of PI

When Santosh and Gita Patel decide to sell their zoo in India and wanted to move to Canada, they booked a cargo ship and left with their teenage son and a few animals. A heavy storm came that destroyed everything including the ship, only PI and a Bengal tiger survived on a lifeboat. Many weeks passed so they had to trust each other for surviving. The lesson that you learn after watching this movie is that forgiving is the best option and whatever the situation looks like, you should never give up.

  • Chef

Chef is a movie about a person who got tired of his job because the owner pushed him too far and left him with no choice other than to quit. In search of work, he moved to Miami. There he launched a food-truck business with his ex-wife, best friend, and son. His passion for cooking inflamed and started enjoying his life.  This movie encourages you to do what you love without thinking about others.

  • Into the Wild

A top student and athlete give all of his savings to charity after graduating from Emory University. Christopher McCandless thumbed a ride to Alaska, to live in the wilderness. During his journey, he learned a lot of lessons that helped him to get his life in shape. This movie teaches you a lesson that you should get out and do what you are thinking without making any excuses.

  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

This movie is about a person who almost lost his job. He was a daydreamer who escaped his anonymous life by disappearing into a fantasy world. The moral of the story is that you should find happiness in your life no matter how difficult it becomes. You should explore yourself and become someone you are not.

  • The Blind Side

This movie is based on the 2006 novel that has the same name as the movie. It is about a boy who was traumatized and homeless. With the help of a caring woman and her family, he became an all-American football player. This movie gives you a lesson that while chasing your dreams you should never give up even if you see yourself losing.


We learn a lot of lessons from watching different types of movies. You get to know more about the world and people. Inspiring movies can encourage you to make better decisions in your life. So you must watch these movies for inspiring lessons.

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