This post was created with you in mind in case you find yourself in a situation that is extremely similar to the one mentioned lower down. When it comes to deciding what to do with their lives, the majority of people believe that the only job choices available to them after earning an MBBS degree are teaching and clinical practices. In other words, they believe they have no other option. On the other hand, this is completely false. Individuals who have earned medical training today have a wide range of career options available to them as a result of advancements in the domains of medicine and healthcare. This is a direct effect of the advancements gained over time. This article offers a list of the top ten employment options available to MBBS graduates that we have compiled. It is available in this location. Conduct a comprehensive inquiry.
Table of Contents
Earning a medical degree (MD), a master’s degree (MS), or simply a diploma is today one of the most popular ways to further one’s profession. In comparison, the MD/MS degree can be obtained in as little as three years, while the diploma can be obtained in as little as two years. If you successfully complete this program, you will hopefully become a specialized physician who can meet the demands of your patients indefinitely. If you want to pursue a PhD or master’s degree in medicine, you will need to take medical admission exams like the AIIMS PG and the NEET.
These exams are used to select who will be admitted to medical schools (MD or MS). If you do well on these exams, you will be able to apply to study at one of India’s most prestigious educational institutions. MD holders who have already finished their medical degrees can further specialize their training in cardiology, neurology, or nephrology. Other medical super-specializations include pulmonologist, ophthalmology, and urology.
DNB (Diplomat of National Board)
The second-best option for an MBBS graduate is to pursue their dreams and continue their medical education in order to become a specialty physician. This is because the MBBS programme is regarded as the gold standard in medical education. The National Board of Examinations in India offers a postgraduate degree programme called the Diploma in Neurology and Behavioral Sciences (DNB). The Medical Council of India has approved the launch of this programme. However, when you apply for your DNB, there are a few things you should consider first and foremost, including the following:
- The percentage of applicants who pass the DNB exam is rather low, and it varies based on the programmed and hospital that candidates choose as their preferred settings to complete their training. This is because candidates can choose which settings they want to complete their training in.
- A number of hospitals would prefer to hire applicants with a medical degree or a master’s degree in science over a doctorate in nursing and midwifery because these degrees are more in demand in the medical profession.
- Private hospitals offer the DNB course more frequently than public hospitals. This is because private institutions often provide students with less overall clinical experience than public hospitals.
CMS (Combined Medical Services)
People who are considering a job in the public sector should look into the Combined Medical Services as fully as possible. The United States Public Service Commission (USPSC) administers the Comprehensive Medical Support (CMS) exam in July and August of each year. Those who pass the exam are then eligible to apply for jobs as Medical Officers in government organizations such as the Railways and Municipal Corporations. Those who fail to demonstrate sufficient mastery of the material during the examination are ineligible for employment.
You are qualified to take the exam once you have completed all of the requirements for the last year of your MBBS degree programed. If you want to work for the government on a permanent basis, the United States Public Service Commission (UPSC) is a great option. Working for the agency comes with unrivalled respect, renown, and honor, making it a good choice for individuals seeking such job. If you’re interested in applying for the role, you can find more information on their website.
After you have completed the requirements for your Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees, you should seriously consider earning a Master of Science degree. You can select one of the following options from the different fields accessible to you:
- Aerospace Medicine,
- Anatomy,
- General anaesthesia;
- Biochemistry and chemistry in general
- Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy
- Forensic Medicine,
- Research on ageing and geriatrics
- ENT, among many other options
As a result of the expansion of private hospitals and pharmaceutical companies that actively seek out and hire MBA graduates, there is a larger need for a physician who also holds a Master of Business Administration degree. This is the main reason for the high demand. This requirement is a direct result of the recent increase in the number of private hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. As a result, if you believe that you would be happier working in the upper management of a private firm, this is the road that you should take in order to achieve the targets that you have set for yourself in order to reach your goals.
This is the road you should take to achieve the targets you’ve set for yourself in order to achieve your goals. The Common Admissions Test (CAT) is administered once a year, and students’ rankings on the test’s merit list decide whether or not they are admitted to famous schools in India such as the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), FMS Delhi, IBS Hyderabad, MDI Gurgaon, and XLRI Jamshedpur.
In conclusion
If you decide to pursue any of the aforementioned fields of employment as a professional path, you will place yourself in a position to be successful. It is time to put your plans into action and begin working toward the wonderful professional life you have always imagined for yourself.